Note :- Your current payment is Awaiting from admin aprooval, So till that time you can not use the functionality like Search and your Profile visibility.
Once your payment is aprooved from our admin department you will get notifcation and you can use all the fuctionalities of matrimony.
If you have any query regarding your payment, please contact our member care +91-7622976228 (Mon.- Sat. 10am to 6.30pm)
Online Payment - Credit Card / Debit Card / Net Banking

If you wish to pay by Credit Card / Debit Card / Net Banking. Please click on left side Image of CCAvenue or Click below button to pay.
- Secure Payment Gateway
- Fast Payment through CCAvenue
- Supports all Major Credit Cards, Debit Cards, Netbanking options
- Supports MasterCard, Visa, Maestro Cards
- Payment can apply to your account within 2 working days.
Your SKP Member ID is