SKP Family Charitable Trust


Last 5 Approved Profiles



The Members & their families of the shall get the following benefits & services as a free Member:-

  • Create, manage, circulate, and make aware your Profile among all SKP Community through across the globe
  • Connect and interact with all SKP Community across the globe
  • Add your Partner Preferences for the kind of person you are looking for
  • Search, View and shortlist Profiles of your likings without restrictions
  • Express Interest in other Members and respond to Members who Express Interest in you
  • See Members who viewed your Profile, Members who Expressed Interest in you and Members who match your Partner Preferences
  • Get reliable references of preferred partners and get your profile referred by others.

3.1: How do I get my Members Information to be managed by is a Saurashtra Kadva Patidar Community integrating platform that provides promotional services for matrimonial alliance too. For this, the site asks for certain personal information which is displayed on the site. This information includes physical, mental, family, social and other domestic ability or disability.

Members information shall be accessed and advertised, at the discretion of members, publicly amongst visitors of the site primarily for searching and matching purposes only. All members also have an option to post their telephone number and other communication details on their own choice.

The system generated emails for the members correspondence related to news regarding the site or our group sites shall be sent automatically. Email addresses may also be used in private correspondence with the user for other services issues.

Updating Members’ Information:

  • Login to your user account
  • Click on My Profile
  • Click on Update Profile in the page to update relevant information and submit


To prevent misuse of the website, some information such as Name, Father Name, Surname, Gender, date of birth, etc. can be changed only on request. shall attempt to provide transparency in the dealing of members such as last time and date of online login of members, notification of persons accessed a particular message posted by the concern member, etc. The site shall preserve members’ login IDs and IP addresses for certain activities they perform for the security purposes in order to track down the person in case of illegal activities.

3.2: Who are the people allowed to access my Members Information? allows the members information accessibility to the people those are authorised by them only. Any privacy policy shall never be violated by renting, sharing or trading of any Members Information to anybody. However reserves the right to disclose the Members’ personal information identified by them only for any legislative requirements as and it arises to protect the rights, to comply with a judicial proceeding, court order, legal process served through our website, etc. reserves the right to enter into any alliance or partnership with any other social media or websites to bring more services for its members. However, it ensures for not selling, renting, sharing or trading of any Members’ Information without prior express permission of the particular members. Hence, it is strongly insisted and encouraged to makeother alliance websites’ privacy policy and practices aware before leaving the and entering to this particular other website. Please be conscious that is not responsible for the privacy practices of other Web sites and this privacy statement applies solely to information collected by

3.3: How will I know of any Changes in Privacy Policy?

Any material changes in the privacy policy of shall be posted with a link on the Homepage of it to make the members aware about the collection, use and disclose of Members’ Information. The Members shall be notified by an email, before using any personally identifiable information in a manner materially different from that stated at the time it was collected.

3.4: How far my Membership Information shall be kept secured & protected? acquires every preventative measures to secure and protect your information, both online and offline. follows generally accepted industry standards (GAIS) to protect the personal information of its members. Only the office bearers of our website who need the information to perform a specific job (for example, a billing clerk or a member service representative) are granted access to personally identifiable information. Rest of the people associated with and working for are restricted to access any such kind of Members’ Information. has also done everything in its power to prevent misuse of photographs. Apart from not allowing photographs to be downloaded or copied, we have watermarked them with the logo. This acts as a further restriction for illegal use elsewhere.

3.5: How can I contact can be contacted anytime from anywhere with any questions about its privacy policy and practices, or any dealings with this Web site through email us or contact us at.
Address:   C/o. Harilal Sons, 14, Chetna Estate, Nr. Nagarwel Hanuman, Amraiwadi, Ahmedabad-380 026, Gujarat, INDIA.
Mob. : +91-76229 76228
Email : [email protected]
Email : [email protected]

4.1: How can I become Member on

The proposed members need to fill out the required primary information in the Primary Registration as accurately as possible and click on Save button. Further you needs to provide your complete profile details. Also you need to verify your contact informaiton, Email. After completion of your profile you will be redirect to payment gateway for SKPFamily Development Fund. team will verify your submitted information.

Once SKPFamily Development Fund shall be received at office, the member shall receive an email confirmation about the same and become the registered member of the

4.2: May I register on behalf of some other person?

Yes, Any one can register the membership of some another person. However, the membership details as well as profile details, which are provided by other person will be declared as you have provided.

4.3: Do I need to pay any Membership Fees? does not charge any membership or registration fees. The proposed member needs to Contribute the SKPFamily Development Fund of very trivial amount once on the Make Payments options.

4.4: How much time the registration process does take?

Primary Registration and Profile creation on can be completed within few minutes. After Verification of the Primary Registration by member themself, the proposed member shall get confirmation within 7 working days.

4.5: Whether I need to provide all Information Compulsarily?

Yes, all the compulsory fields have to be filled in order to complete the registration and member Profile creation process. These compulsory fields provide essential information about you to other Members who view your Profile.

4.6: What are the benefits and itentials of my Cell Phone Number verification?

Verifying your phone number helps you get more responses, since it builds trust, and adds authenticity to your Profile. You can Verify your phone number by using either our SMS in case you have provided a mobile number as your contact number.

4.7: What is the use of Member’s Profile ID?

Member’s Profile ID is automatically generated by and uniquely identifies your Profile on Every Member of has a unique Profile ID. Other Members can also search for your Profile using the Profile ID search feature.

4.8: I got an message of "This Email is already used. Please goto Login Panel and Login with your Credential" while entering my email ID on What should I do?

Every Profile posted on is associated with only one unique email or mobile number. You may have received this message because you or someone else has already posted a Profile using this email. If you think your email is being used by someone else, please send us an email from the address that is under contention and let us know.

5.1: How do I get logged in and out on

The members may find the Login and Logout clik button at the top right of website.

5.2: Is it advisabe to be logged in forever to avoid login and logout everytime I visit

The member may prefer the option “Stay Signed in” next to the “Sign in” button to keep logged in forever and avoid login and logout requirements on everytime he visits the website. It is advisable not to prefer this option especially while you sign in from any shared computers.

5.3: If I forget my login ID or Passward, How should I get it recovered?

When a member forget his/her login ID or Passward, Go to "Lost your password?" Link and type your registred email id or mobile number Further you will receive an SMS with a code which you needs to provide in the next screen. if you provided the correct code then you will be redirect to generate new password screen.

5.4: How can I change my Passward?

The members may change password by visiting "Dashboard - Your Detail Block" and change your password.

6.1: How can I create a new Profile on

Any proposed member may create and post his / her profile easily by accessing the of Primary Registration website.

6.2: How can I get my Profile updated on

‘Profile Update’ feature may be accessed to make any changes or edit in your member profile.

6.3: How can I change my profile photo on

Any member can change his / her Profile Photo at Update Profile or Dashboard screen. You can click on thumbnail, the chlicked photo will be your profile photo.

6.4: Can I change any field of my profile on

Yes, a member can change each & every information in his / her profile. However, there are some parts of the profile information (e.g. your date of birth, gender, First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, etc.) needs certain exceptional verification before getting changed by the administrators. This kind of changes shall require prior approval from the administrators.

6.5: Can my Profile be searched or visible on any other social website like Google, FaceBook, etc.?

As per our privacy policy, we will not publish your profile data to any other social media.

6.6: Can I hide my Profile temporarily or selectively on

Yes, you can terminate your profile at for tempararily but not for the selected visitors or members. If a member teminate his/her Profile it shall be hidden from for all members.

6.7: Is it required to add my photo to my Profile? How many maximum photos can I add on

An identity photo is necessary to upload while your enter for priamary registration. This shall increase the viewers ratio of your profile. A registered member can upload maximum 3 photos to his / her profile on This can be done on ‘Profile Update’ feature directly.

7.1: What does the success Stories mean foron

Success Stories section of express to its visitors about many satisfying, magnificent and sensational happily married couples through its website. This service is available to all its married members.

7.2: How can I share about my happily married story on

We are highly delighted to know about yourself got married to your life-partner through would be more pleased to flash your marital success story on our website for other members and visitors. You may send the details (snaps, write-ups, match-making routs, etc.) of your success story using terminate your account along with option of "I have found my partner through" section at dashboard of your member login at

7.3: Will my happily married story be visible and aceessible to all visitors on

Success Stories section of is open for all visitors of its website irrespective of his / her being members of it.

7.4: Shall I share my happily married story not made through allows all Sarurashtra Kadva Patidar (SKP) Community to share their happily married success stories on its website. This shall make the visitors willing to become members and getting married through more clear and interesting to be a part of it. Ultimate objective of is to integrate the whole SKP Community on a single platform.

8.1: What kind of the serch options are available on

Any verified member may use any of the following search option on
  • o Search allows you to search for Profiles as per basic criteria like age, height, marital status, location, education, profession, etc.
  • o Special Cases option also available for you to search some special cases like Physically / Mentally disabled and challenged Members, Divorcee Members, etc.
  • o Additionally, you can also use Profile ID search to locate particular Members on

8.2: Can I Shortlist the Profiles of my likings on

Watch list page option on allows you to add the Members’ Profile that you like while you visit or search them . A Member may shortlist any number of Profiles at a time and keep under this page to revisit on his comfort time later on.

It is advisable to contact those Members immediately by Expressing your Interest whose Profiles you liked.

8.3: How can I come to know about those Members who have visited my Profile on

Recently Viewed feature on at your dashboard provides you the list of those Members who have viewed your Profile recently.

9.1: How can I connect with other Members on

There are manual ways of communication is open to connect to other Members of your interest.

9.2: Can I expect the Administrators contact to my prefered Members on behalf of me on

No, the Administrators of are not authrised to communicate on belalf of its any Members to communicate to the other Members.

9.7: Can I Report about any Misuse of my Profile or a part of it by any Member on

Misuse Profiles Feature allows you to report to the Administrators of about any Members you found misusing any of your Profile Information or abusing you by bad messages or communication, etc. Reporting by email or call at our central call line of such kind of Members will automatically transfer them into the Restrict Profiles category and send them a warning message from Administrators.

10.1: When do I need to contribute the SKP Family Development Fund to become Members on

As soon as you, as a proposed member, receive the acceptance email, you need to contribute the SKPFamily Development Fund of very Trivial Amount through Make Payments options.

10.2: How can I make the Payment of Development Fund to facilitates to contribute for the SKPFamily Development Fund through under-mentioned different ways of payments options:
  • • Net Banking Options:

    • 1 Credit cards: accepts all leading credit cards. You can use your credit card to make a payment of SKPFamily Development Fund online.
    • 2 Net banking:

      You can pay us via the net banking service of leading Indian banks.
    • 3 Routine Bank Transaction by cash / cheque / draft:

      The proposed member of may prefer to remit the SKPFamily Development Fund by a routine bank transaction through deposing the cash / check / draft through the Online Bank Challan into the SKPFamily Bank Account across India & Globe.
    • 4 Collection Centres:

      Pay cash / cheque at any SKPFamily Helpline Centre identified as Collection Centres and activate your order instantly. To locate your nearest centre in India, click here SKPFamily Centres

      Depending on your convenience you can choose any one of the above payment options while registering as a member of

10.3: Can I make the Payment of Development Fund by using my Debit Card?

Yes, you can pay using your Visa, master Debit Card. would like to caution you that some banks that issue Debit Cards do not allow online Debit Card payments. So please check with your bank.

10.4: Is online Credit / Debit Card payment on secure?

Yes, it is 100% Secure! Your credit / Debit Card Information is entered on a Secure Server using SSL Technology Encryption which is one of the highest level of security provided by our payment gateway provider. The information is transmitted in an encrypted fashion to our payment gateway and your card is charged online. Finally, to provide the highest level of security, we do not store your credit card information on our online server at any time.

10.5: I have already made a payment, but my Membership is not yet active. How long does it take to activate my Membership?

If you pay for the membership using a credit card, then the account is activated within 24 hours. If you pay via cheque, demand draft or a bank draft, the account is activated within 7 working days after receipt of your cheque, demand draft, bank draft. In the case of non-activation of your membership account even after you have made an online payment using your credit / debit card, possibilities are there to sight for some more information from you. You will get a notification via email, once receives the payment and activate your Membership.

10.6: I would like to know about the SKPFamily Development Fund refund policy of

Since allows its Members to communicate with other Members before they remit their SKPFamily Development Fund, because, it is not refundable once paid to This policy, while providing value for money for Members, also ensures that the entire family is protected. Any exceptions to this policy will be made at the sole discretion of the Administrators. aims to provide the best and forever trustworthy platform with a safe & secure environment in which it’s Family Members search and find their life partner and also get into consistently acquainted within the entire SKPFamily throughout the globe.
  • • Our Customer Relations team ensures that every profile kept at is screened for irrelevant and/or inappropriate content.

  • However, in ensuring your safety & privacy, we're limited to actions that are within our control. Therefore, it is necessary for you to exercise some simple precautions for your privacy & for a safe and secure experience. Here are some simple guidelines Members are strongly advised to follow to protect their privacy in the forms of Dos and Don’ts.


    • • Remember that you are in control of your online experience at all times. You can remain completely anonymous until YOU choose not to.
    • • Create and use a separate email account to communicate with Members initially. Trust your inner-sense and start by sharing only your email address and communicating solely via email first.
    • • Look for odd or unusual and abnormal behaviour of any Members interacting with you very initially. Grave & Wise People will respect your space and allow you to take your time.
    • • Take a second opinion from a friend or well-wisher to read the emails you receive - a neutral observer can spot warning signs you missed.
    • • Stop communicating with anyone who pressures you for personal information or attempts in any way to trick you into revealing it.
    • • Always ask for a photo to the interacting Member that will give you a good idea of the person's appearance, which may prove helpful in achieving a gut feeling.
    • • You can use the Photo Request option on Since offers free scanning & upload services to its Members, there's no reason for a Member shouldn't be able to provide you a photo.
    • • In fact, it's best to view several images of a Member in various settings: casual, formal, indoors and outdoors. If all you hear are excuses about why you can't see a photo, consider his / her profile something to hide.
    • • A phone call can reveal much about a Member's communication and social skills. Consider your security and do not reveal your personal phone number to a strange Member.
    • • Use a pre paid mobile phone number or use local telephone blocking techniques to prevent your phone number from appearing in Caller ID. Only furnish your phone number when you feel completely comfortable and have some background information on the other Member.
    • • If any Member gives you a phone number with a strange area code, check it out to make sure it's not a charge number before you make the call.
    • • Confirm that you are in control when it comes to taking an online relationship offline with a Member.
    • • Even if you decide to arrange a meeting, you always have the right to change your mind. It's possible that your decision to keep the relationship at the anonymous level is based on an instinct that you can't logically explain. Trust yourself. Go with your instincts.
    • • In the case of first face to face meeting, always prefer to meet a Member offline with both the families except you trust the Member enough to meet alone. In the case of meeting him / her alone, always tell a friend or your family where you are going and when you will return back.
    • • In case you do decide to meet him/her alone leave the name, address and telephone number of the person you are going to meet with your friend or family member. Take a cellular phone along with you.
    • • Always choose a public place (such as a restaurant / cafe) to meet a Member face to face at a time when many people are around and ensure your own transportation to and fro.
    • • Ask a lot of questions and watch for inconsistencies. This will help you detect liars & cons, and it will help you find out if you're compatible.
    • • Pay attention to displays of anger, intense frustration or attempts to pressure or control you. Acting in a resentful manner, making demeaning or disrespectful comments, or any physically inappropriate behaviour are all warning signs.
    • • Involve your family or your close friends in your search for a life partner and do not take a decision unilaterally.
    • • Remember a genuine Member or his representative of family members will not ask you for money in any circumstance. If a Member or anyone from his part asks you for money, use common sense and never give in to such requests.

    • Don'ts:

      • • Don't include your personal contact information like name, email address, home address, telephone numbers, place of work or any other identifying personal information while you interact with another member/s initially.
      • • Don't send contact information until you ensure yourself that this is someone you can trust. Nothing wrong to take more time to think about it.
      • • Always avoid misleading or misguiding messages or information shared by another member/s.
      • • Don't use signature lines in your emails that include your phone numbers and addresses.
      • • Don't use your regular or official email id for communicating with a person you don't know well.
      • • Never obliged to meet a Member offline without your instinct.
      • • Do not go to a secluded place or a movie alone at the first meeting.
      • • Never prefer to meet a Member at your unknown place or place of his / her pressure.
      • • Never arrange for your prospective match to pick you up or drop you at home, until you would be meeting him / her for during the finalization stage of tying your node.
      • • Be cautious in the below reactions of any Member specially if it is without an acceptable explanation:
        • o Provides inconsistent information about age, interests, appearance, marital status, profession, employment, etc.,
        • o Fails to provide direct answers to direct questions,
        • o Appears significantly different in person from his or her online persona,
        • o Never introduces you to friends, professional associates or family members.
        • • Take all the time you need to decide on a trustworthy person and pay careful attention along the way. Be responsible about romance, and don't fall for the oldest con tricks of people who shower love and affection at the first instance and disappear later.
        • • Don't become prematurely close to someone, even if that intimacy only occurs online.

        • Using your own good judgment is your best bet because ultimately you are responsible for your personal experience. Trust your instincts and then move ahead with the right person!
          If you do have an unpleasant experience you can always report it to the Administrators.
 will endeavour to provide all possible assistance to the Gujarat Police (Cyber Crime Investigation Cell) or any other statutory investigation agency to tackle fraudulent users of, on being specifically instructed by the said authorities to do so.
          To report fraud or misuse, write to us giving full details of your case.

SKP Family Charitable Trust,

Saurashtra Kadva Patidar Matrimonial Portal

SKP Family Matrimonial Portal

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